If you are in the market for Loft Management Software - Here are some things to consider:

  • Never purchase software where the supplier does not provide a TRY before you BUY option.
  • Some websites will provide all kinds of pretty pictures and a very appealing sales pitch - ensure you always download and test the software before paying for it.  Eg: Fake pictures of iPhones, iPads and Tablets does not necessary mean it runs on those devices.  Only by using the software will you know whether it suits your requirements and ease of use.
  • If you can't figure out how to use the software within the first few minutes, move on to the next.
  • If using the software frustrates you within the first few minutes, chances are that it will continue to do so - move on to the next.
  • Look at the different software solutions first, do not impulsively buy, even if you feel convinced that this is the software for you.  Just use Google to search for "Pigeon Software" and you will find many other options.
  • Make up your own mind.  People may recommend to you what they have found to be a good solution, however, it's your money - follow these steps above regardless.
  • In conclusion - good luck with your research!
