Spread the news! For a limited time, Hawkeye Lite is Free!
That's right, for now, Hawkeye Lite is free. What's the catch - none, it's yours to use indefinitely. Get your free Hawkeye Lite KEY here.
Download and install the latest Hawkeye Loft Management System (Professional). Once the program expires, you can unlock the Lite features with the Lite KEY.
Hawkeye Features

Professional $79
Pigeon Management


Standard Pedigrees


Powerful Filter utility


Professional Pedigrees (Including Pedigree Highlighting):
- ·3 Generation Color
- ·5 Generation Color

Station Management


Race Management


Export Pedigree Data for other Hawkeye users

Import Pedigree Data from other users


Standard Subset of reports


Professional Subset of reports:
- ·Bird Performance
- ·Historical Breed Pair Summary
- ·Pigeon Detail with 1 or 2 images
- ·Pigeon “check-list”
- ·Bird whereabouts
- ·Medical Treatment Report
- ·Hereditary Report
- ·Races flown by Bird
- ·Planning Report
- ·Loft-Station distance report – for everyone in your phone directory to every Station in your Hawkeye System.
Ability to save all reports in PDF, Excel, Word, BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF.

Create your own Race Entry sheets

Ability to save a subset of birds as a selection

Disease System

Telephone Directory

Breeding System

Year Planner

Distance Calculator – Most accurate available.

Velocity Calculator

Integrated Backup Utility

External Backup Utility


TauRIS Data File Import

WinSpeed Merge File Import

Financial System – Print Purchase Orders/Invoices – integrated with Birds for sale/purchased.

Distribution Graph

Medication/Vaccination System

Ability to change the default logo/font size/style
