Features: Pedigree
Hawkeye Loft Management System
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Overview | Pedigrees | Progeny | Reporting | Breeding | Configuration | Disease Module | ...and more! |
Hawkeye builds pedigrees based on the pigeon data entered in the database. This is especially handy since one does not have to enter repetitive pedigrees for all birds, which eliminates duplication.
Pedigrees can be built with the press of a button, just click on the "Add Dam" or "Add Sire" buttons and a list of possible Sires or Dams will pop up to select from.
An easy to use, drag and drop photo handler allows you to have two photos per bird displayed on the pedigree. For example, one full-size picture and one eye close-up picture can be added.
As of Hawkeye 8, the options exist to email pedigrees in PDF format with the click of a button.
NOTE: See Reporting for previews of printed pedigrees and more information.